Oral Academic Genres: Structure and strategies of oral presentation


  • Lucia Alvarado Cantero Universidad de Costa Rica




Keywords: academic genres, academic presentations, in-class presentations, explanation strategies, argumentative strategies


This article presents results of an investigation that started with 46 video recorded presentations in class of college students, 15 of which were evaluated by teachers from the University of Costa Rica, and 4 were analyzed in depth. It is based on the notion of academic genre (Swales, 2008; Charaudeau, 2012; Parodi, 2015), as well as on the proposal of Villar (2014) for the structure of academic oral presentations, on rhetoric resources (Vilà, 2009) for explicative sequences (Adam, 2011), and argumentative resources (Cros, 2009) for its homonymous sequences (Adam, 2011). Results elicited shown a positive assessment of some strategies when used by women, but a negative evaluation when used by men, the inverse tendency was also documented. Also, strategies evaluated with high scores were found independently of the variable of gender.



How to Cite

Alvarado Cantero, L. (2018). Oral Academic Genres: Structure and strategies of oral presentation. Nebrija Journal of Applied Linguistics to Language Teaching, 12(24), 7–31. https://doi.org/10.26378/rnlael122440



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