Collocational Learning and Language Learning Theories: from Theory to Practice




second language acquisition theories, vocabulary acquisition, usage-based theory, corpus studies, formulaic language, collocations, lexical approach


Grammar and lexicon studies are categorized into two distinct linguistics fields. However, studies on chunks and collocations show that grammar and lexicon are not entirely separate elements. Understanding this union between grammar and lexicon is crucial for teachers and Spanish L2 material developers. Teaching collocations helps students achieve high linguistic competence and fluency. In considering collocations as complex units but cognitively treated as unique words, these word sequences can be consolidated in long-term memory as a single unit. Therefore, the use of collocations constitutes a large portion of the basics of speech itself. This article presents a critical-descriptive research summary on the main perspectives of Construction Grammar, language learning theories, and vocabulary acquisition, specifically collocations. In addition, the Lexical Approach is presented as an example of how to implement class-activities that take lexicon as a central pillar of the learning process. In conclusion, possible lines of research within this theoretical framework are put forth.

Author Biography

Silvia Aguinaga Echeverría, Universidad de Navarra

She teaches Spanish as a second language at the Instituto de Lengua y Cultura Españolas (ILCE) and trains future teachers at the Master de Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera (MELE) of the University of Navarra. She received her Ph.D. in Hispanic linguistics with a designated emphasis in Second Language Acquisition from the University of California, Davis (2018), and taught Spanish as an L2 at Denison University. Her research focuses on vocabulary acquisition using corpus analysis and classroom material use. She has published in venues such as Lengua y Habla, Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada o Portuguese Language Journal. Currently, she is leading and teaching community-based courses in Pamplona, one of the innovative lines in education at the University of Navarra.



How to Cite

Aguinaga Echeverría, S. (2021). Collocational Learning and Language Learning Theories: from Theory to Practice. Nebrija Journal of Applied Linguistics to Language Teaching, 15(31), 124–144.



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