
Issue 38. Spring 2025

Teaching Spanish as the language of business and economics (ENE) at the academic level: challenges and prospects

Thematic section editors: Almudena Basanta (University of Antwerp, Belgium), Johannes Schnitzer (Vienna University of Economics and Business Studies, Austria) and Lieve Vangehuchten (University of Antwerp, Belgium).


Important dates:

- Deadline for submission of articles: 15 January 2025.

- Notification of review or acceptance: 28 February 2025

- Publication date: April 2025


*Pre-proposals with a 400-word abstract will be accepted until 28 November 2024 by writing to Almudena Basanta (almudena.basanta@uantwerpen.be), Johannes Schnitzer (johannes.schnitzer@wu.ac.at) and Lieve Vangehuchten (lieve.vangehuchten@uantwerpen.be).  


The teaching of Spanish for Business and Economics (ENE) in higher education is influenced by multiple factors that require revision and adaptation to the concrete demands of today's professional world. The processes of globalisation, the predominance of English in the business world and technological advances, especially in the field of artificial intelligence, have impacted on specialised language teaching at the academic level. Other challenges lie in the diversity of students' employment opportunities, with the didactic dilemma of focusing on specific subjects and skills or providing a more generalised vision, and the heterogeneity of students' general level of Spanish. Language for Specific Purposes professionals see a growing need to carry out up-to-date studies on the changing communicative realities in the various contexts of their specialism and to adapt their teaching accordingly. This would achieve the ultimate goal of providing students with the tools to communicate effectively in professional settings (Pérez Cañizares and Schnitzer, 2022).

There is an urgent need to adapt teaching approaches, methods and content and to take advantage of the latest research on genres and linguistic properties to design courses and resources that meet students' needs, enhance their critical sense and respond to current demands and possibilities, in a context where advances in machine translation and generative Artificial Intelligence pose new challenges (Muñoz-Basols et al., 2024). Hence the importance of integrating elements of geopolitics, economics and dialectal and cultural variation into the teaching of Business Spanish and Economics, as well as incorporating discourse analysis as a pedagogical tool (Basanta and Vangehuchten, 2022). Consequently, future teaching should focus even more on training students' oral skills, as well as raising awareness of pragmatic and intercultural competences, through a more explicit focus on social skills and greater learner autonomy in specific situations.

These approaches require an evolution of methodology and content on the part of the teaching staff. There is a need for a broad and coordinated analysis of current situations and needs in external and internal communication, which implies greater involvement of the different economic agents (Tano, 2018). Accordingly, this thematic section will provide a space to present innovative pedagogical approaches suitable for the development of relevant skills in an ENE context, as well as results of studies that address the changing demands of the professional world, contribute to adapting our work to new challenges and lead us to reflect on didactic solutions in teaching. We welcome papers on applied linguistics with analyses of current needs and studies on inclusion and the exploitation of modern technologies as well as on intercultural and linguistic aspects not addressed so far. All contributions should be based on empirical research in support of a hypothesis, highlighting the methodology and providing data and analysis, so that didactic or planning proposals lacking scientific evidence are excluded.

Subject areas: Spanish Language of Business and Economics, Linguistics Applied to Language Acquisition and/or Teaching and Communication, Languages for Specific Purposes, Spanish Foreign Language.



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Basanta, A. & Vangehuchten, L. (2022). Los informes de sostenibilidad de empresas chilenas, españolas y mexicanas: un análisis crítico del género. Círculo de lingüística aplicada a la comunicación, (89:1), 201-220.

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Martí Contreras, J. (2021). La mediación lingüística en español para fines específicos: el ámbito de los negocios. En M. Sanz Gil (Coord.), Estrategias lingüísticas para la sociedad multilingüe (p. 63).

Martínez Martínez, I. (2018). Lingüística de corpus y gramática inductiva: cómo trabajar con los corpus en la clase de español de los negocios. En A. Van Hooft, A. Escofet Roig, B. de Jonge, P. Lorente Fernández, L. Vangehuchten, J. Á. Piña Sánchez, M. B. Roza González, & G. Melgosa Fernández (Coords.), El Español como lengua para la innovación profesional: Artículos seleccionados del VI Congreso Internacional de Español para Fines Específicos (CIEFE) (pp. 87-100).

Millán, D., & Iglesias, G. N. (2021). La corrección de la expresión e interacción orales a través de la transcripción de grabaciones audiovisuales en la clase de Español de los negocios. redELE: Revista Electrónica de Didáctica ELE, (33).

Muñoz-Basols, J., Fuertes Gutiérrez, M., & Cerezo, L. (2024). PLANIFICAR, PERSONALIZAR, IMPLEMENTAR (PPI). La enseñanza de lenguas mediada por tecnología. En J. Muñoz-Basols, M. Fuertes Gutiérrez, & L. Cerezo (Eds.), La enseñanza del español mediada por tecnología. De la justicia social a la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) (pp. 1-19). London/New York: Routledge.

Pérez Cañizares, P., & Schnitzer, J. (2022). La enseñanza del español de la economía y los negocios. En L. Santana Negrín (Ed.), La enseñanza de Español para Fines Específicos (pp. 51-75). Madrid: enclave-ELE / UDIMA.

Pulido Morera, A., & Martí Contreras, J. (2018). Una propuesta didáctica para la implementación de la atenuación en español para los negocios. ELUA: Estudios de Lingüística. Universidad de Alicante, (Extra 4), 289-302.

Roselló Verdeguer, J. (2020). Trabajando con lenguajes de especialidad: una mirada al léxico del español para los negocios a través de los libros de economía y empresa. Cultura, lenguaje y representación = Culture, language and representation: revista de estudios culturales de la Universitat Jaume I = cultural studies journal of Universitat Jaume I, (23), 151-168.

Sehaqui, Z., & Boughaba, M. (2022). La traducción pedagógica en clase de español de negocios: el caso de las colocaciones. En: R. A. Martín Vegas (Ed.), La enseñanza del léxico, Ediciones Universidad Salamanca, 93-109.

Tano, M. (2018). Orientaciones metodológicas y programáticas de un curso de español para fines específicos. CRISOL, 1, 1-36.

Villalba Ibáñez, C. (2021). El tratamiento del acto comunicativo de la queja en el ámbito del español para los negocios: algunas reflexiones. En M. Sanz Gil (Coord.), Estrategias lingüísticas para la sociedad multilingüe (p. 169).

Vranic Petkovic, I., & Georgijev, I. (2019). La enseñanza de español con fines específicos: propuestas básicas para el diseño de un curso de español para los negocios (nivel B1). Colindancias: Revista de la Red de Hispanistas de Europa Central, (10), 295-312.