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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text follows the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines , which appear in "About this Journal"and on this website.
  • The submission is composed of three documents: the anonymised article, the authorship document and a declaration of authorship and originality. Be sure to upload all three documents.
  • The three files are in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format and strictly respect the criteria described on this website.
  • When the empirical data or funding obtained by the author is part of a competitive project, this information has been placed as a note (number 1 in the Introduction, not in the title) or as a section between Conclusions and notes as ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.

Author Guidelines

In order to avoid problems with the incorporation of new formats (automatic numbering, uppercase, etc.), we have shared the layout template here.

The maximum extension of the article will be 25 pages, including bibliographic references. The text should be written with font Verdana, font size 11, simple spacing, avoiding any type of marks or page break that may interfere in the text conversion to other formats. Quotations, tables and table titles in Verdana 10. The four margins of the A4 page must be 2.5 cm, as it can be notices in the template. It is recommended to deactivate WORD automatic formats for lists with bullets, automatic uppercase, chapter numbering, etc. The final text will respect all formats included in the template.

Each anonymised contribution shall be accompanied by a separate authorship document containing: 1. the title (first the title of the language of the article, second in English if the article is not written in English or in Spanish if the language of the proposal is English), 2. name and surname of the authors (in the order declared in the originality document), 3. place of work, 4. e-mail (better if institutional), as shown in the template. A brief curriculum vitae (max. 100 words) should be attached and can be placed before the abstract or directly uploaded among the author's metadata in the platform. It is recommended that the maximum number of authors of the publication is 2. If there is only one author, only the identification paragraph on the left (marked in red in the template image) should be used.

Moreover, the article should include an abstract (maximum 150 words) and keywords (maximum 5) both in Spanish and English. For those articles submitted as proposals, it is recommended to follow a basic scientific research layout: introduction (contextualization and main goals), source description, materials and methods used, presentations of results and discussion; conclusions and bibliographic references. The separation between paragraphs should be indicated with a 1 cm indentation. This indentation is not necessary when the text follows a title or subtitle. This very same type of margin is used to introduce long quotations which, in turn, are separated by single spacing from the text body.

For quotations within the text body, the system to be used is that of author-year (Jackobson, 1963: 124-127). If an author with several works published in the same year is cited, lowercase can be used: (Jackobson, 1963a), (Jackobson, 1963b) and so on.

Figures and tables should be inserted in the proper place of the document where they should be printed, centred and within the established margins. They should be numbered with a brief header. Tables and figures should be numbered with Arabic numerals.

Schemes, pictures, graphs, equations or photographs must be inserted in the text as images (max 1 mega per image and no more than 5 in total). Initially, tables should not be converted to images except in case they are so complex they could disturb edition or the author wants to guarantee their accuracy in a web format. All images and tables should have a white background and follow the template pattern. It should be avoided, even in the image format, the use of ornamental colours or intense inks. Images should be sent in a separated, zipped folder (consisting on the article formatted according to the template plus images) which will be requested when editing the material.

Notes will be placed at the end of the text properly numbered. The use of automatic editors will not be allowed. Notes will be manually placed (their number as exponent within the text body and the notes after the text body according to the NOTES format.) There are examples in the template.

In the BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES section, only the articles used in the text body will be cited according to APA referencing style. Any link will be activated so that they do appear in blue and underlined. 

Anonymisation of the proposal

Although the editor will remove names, affiliations and CV under the title within the manuscript, there are other steps that must be taken to ensure that the manuscript is properly prepared for double-blind peer review. To assist in this process, key points to observe are as follows:

- Remove any identifying information from file names and ensure that the document properties are also anonymised.

- The third person should be used to refer to work that the authors have previously done, e.g. replace any phrases such as "as we have discussed before" with "... previously discussed [Author, 2020]".

- Limit self-references only to work that is relevant to those reviewing the submitted work.

- Cite work published by you or the other authors of the submission as follows: '[Author 2020]'. Similarly in the final reference list omit title and other information.

- Remove references to funding sources and do not include acknowledgements.

Inclusive Language

RNLAEL advocates the use of inclusive language in the writing of articles, therefore we ask you to respect the guidelines that each language has given to respect it: in the case of Spanish or English the United Nations"s Guidelines. In the case of submission of your paper in other languages, please ask for the reference document.

Declaration of authorship and originality 

To submit a manuscript it is necessary to upload to the platform, as a complementary file, a letter of intent and originality clearly indicating:

  1. Full name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliations and addresses for correspondence (it is essential to provide an e-mail address for direct communication).
  2. Full title of the manuscript.
  3. that the submission has not been previously published and is not under consideration by any other journal.
  4. In the case of an article with more than one author, the contribution of each author in the writing of the article should be reported. The order of appearance of the authors will correspond to the effort made (first the author who has written the most). In the case of an equal contribution, the alphabetical order is followed.
  5. List of at least five suggested reviewers (with their e-mail address) who can evaluate the manuscript and who meet the following requirements: 1. Academic title of doctorate, 2. Expert in the subject of the article, 3. Articles published in indexed journals during the last 2 years,

Thematic section "Computer Learners Corpora..."

Editors of the thematic section: Cecilio Lapresta-Rey (Universitat de Lleida) and Josep Ubalde (Universitat de Lleida)


This section is integrated by articles that do not respond by theme to the other thematic section, but published after identical process of peer review.

Up to date

The section On the day contains a review of the specific bibliography on the subject central of the article that is presented and discussed in the corresponding edition of this Magazine.
It illustrates the relevant points of the scientific debate of the last five years and points out some recent articles that may interest students of applied linguistics to Spanish as a foreign language. It is not our intention to provide a complete bibliography on the subject, but select items of interest to the researcher. We will thank our readers that we point out all the bibliographical references that are not included in this list and that can be of interest, writing to

Privacy Statement

Your privacy is important to us.  This privacy statement provides information about the personal information that RNLAEL collects, and the ways in which uses that personal information. RNLAEL may collect and use personal information that is necessary for the processing and publication of manuscripts submitted to us. This information may include names, affiliation and contact details; including postal address, emails and phone numbers. Any personal information received by RNLAEL will only be used to: process and publish your manuscript. 

  • administer this website;
  • personalize the website for you;
  • enable your access to and use of the website services;
  • process your manuscript;
  • publish your manuscript;
  • send to you communication about your manuscript

In addition to the disclosures reasonably necessary for the purposes identified elsewhere above, RNLAEL may disclose your personal information to the extent that it is required to do so by law, in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings, and in order to establish, exercise or defend its legal rights. RNLAEL will take reasonable technical and organisational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information. In addition, personal information that you submit for publication on the manuscript will be published on the internet and may be available around the world

RNLAEL may update this privacy policy by posting a new version on this website.  If you have any questions about this privacy policy or RNLAEL' treatment of your personal information, please send an email to