Comparative study of comprehension and production of the Spanish aspectual past tenses by Mandarin Chinese speakers as Foreign Language




Spanish L2 Aspect, Chinese learners, corpora, comprehension, production


This work is a study on the levels of acquisition of the Spanish aspectual past tenses by Mandarin Chinese speakers based on a corpus data, as well as on our previous works on it. The aim of this paper is to synthesize and evaluate the IL competence of Chinese learners concerning Spanish L2 aspect through comprehension and production tasks. Data from Mandarin Chinese L1 learners of different levels of linguistic competence (ranging from B1 to C1) were gathered and analyzed for showing differences across levels and tasks. A difference in the relationship between comprehension and production data was found in the acquisition process of L2 Spanish. Results show that our learners can only grasp part of the input information, but they still seek for more information from new input to fill the gap in comprehension, whereas they also implement a production strategy according to this new input. Nevertheless, this strategy turns out to be more a mechanical rule rather than an internalized pattern close to native speakers’ production. 

Author Biographies

Yuliang Sun, Universidad Normal de Nanjing

Professor of Spanish in the School of Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures at Nanjing Normal University, China. He is doctor in Cognitive Science and Language of the University of Barcelona. His main areas of research are the acquisition and teaching of second languages, in particular, in the acquisition of Spanish by Chinese-speaking learners.

María Lourdes Diaz Rodriguez, Universidad Pompeu Fabra / CLiC-Universidad de Barcelona

Associate professor of Spanish in the Department of Translation and Language Sciences at Pompeu Fabra University, and researcher of the Centre of Language and Computation of the University of Barcelona. She is also teacher-trainer since 1990, and a Spanish L2/FL researcher. Her areas of expertise are Second Language Acquisition, Spanish L2 grammar, IL pragmatics, learner corpora, genres in L2, and psycholinguistics and second language learning. She has authored or coauthored books as: La destreza escrita (2003) with M. Aymerich, Interlengua española. Estudio de casos (2007), Los niveles del Marco (2010) with R. Martínez and J. Redó, PapELEs and ELEfante (2015, 2019) with A. Yagüe, and Lingüística Textual y enseñanza de ELE/L2, with J. de Santiago (2021).



How to Cite

Sun, Y., & Diaz Rodriguez, M. L. (2021). Comparative study of comprehension and production of the Spanish aspectual past tenses by Mandarin Chinese speakers as Foreign Language. Nebrija Journal of Applied Linguistics to Language Teaching, 15(31), 33–54.



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