Weak definiteness and learning of the definite article





article, definiteness, uniqueness, weak definites, bare noun


This paper aims at explaining why weak uses of the definite article in languages like Spanish represent a pitfall for foreign students. Though such uses are a part of the system of regular uses governed by the uniqueness condition, they are largely unpredictable, due to the role of cultural stereotypes and to competition with bare nouns as alternative forms to express the same content. Weak uses constitute the point where the grammaticalization process of the article typically stops, in particular in positions governed by verbs and prepositions, thus giving rise to highly irregular patterns that cannot be derived from a unique semantic principle. 

Author Biography

Manuel Roberto Leonetti Jungl, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Professor of Spanish Linguistics at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He has been President of the Sociedad Española de Lingüística. His main research interest is the interaction of syntax, semantics and pragmatics, from a formal, synchronic perspective; he has worked on topics like information structure and word order, tense and mood, coercion, reference, definiteness and specificity. He has co-edited volumes on Procedural Meaning (Emerald, 2011), 60 problemas de gramática (Akal, 2011), and New Perspectives in the Study of Ser and Estar (John Benjamins, 2015). He has recently published, as editor, together with V. Escandell Vidal, La estructura informativa (Visor, 2021).



How to Cite

Leonetti Jungl, M. R. (2021). Weak definiteness and learning of the definite article. Nebrija Journal of Applied Linguistics to Language Teaching, 15(31), 18–32. https://doi.org/10.26378/rnlael1531456



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