Ensuring language training for adult migrants in the Community of Madrid





Spanish language programs, migrants, adult education, qualitative study


Although attending a language course in the host country increases by 8% the chances of an adult migrant's mastery of the new additional language, few studies have explored the characteristics of language training programs for adult migrants. This article examines the main features of Spanish programs for adult migrants in the Community of Madrid and presents the results of an exploratory qualitative study carried out in nine public and private entities. During the period from April to August 2022, interviews were held with directors, academic directors and Spanish teachers of institutions in the Community of Madrid. The study had a threefold objective: to identify the alignment of these language programs with OECD recommendations, to recognize good practices and to identify future challenges to ensure quality language training.

Author Biographies

Nuria Vaquero Ibarra, Instituto Cervantes

Degree in Hispanic Philology (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Specialist in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), European Expert in Quality Management (European Organization for Quality), Official EFQM Assessor (EFQM) and Executive MBA (EAE Business School). Pre-doctoral researcher at the University of Huelva. Member of the Research in Affective Language Learning Centre (ReALL).

Head of the Accredited Centres Unit of the Academic Directorate of the Instituto Cervantes, a project she joined in 2006, first as an evaluator, then as Technician I and finally as Head of Unit. From these functions, she is responsible for the design of the Instituto Cervantes Accreditation System for Cervantes Centres (SACIC) (referential, evaluation models, evaluation tools, training of centres and evaluators) and for the implementation of this evaluation system among Spanish as a foreign language centres in the national and international context.

Mª Carmen Fonseca-Mora, University of Huelva, Spain

Full Professor in the Department of English Philology and director of the ReALL (Research in Affective Language Learning) research group. She is currently the director of the Research Centre "Contemporary Thinking and Innovation for Social Development" (COIDESO) at the University of Huelva (Spain).
Her main research interests pertain to foreign language teaching, teacher training, teaching innovation, scientific publications and gender studies. Her numerous papers have been published in academic journals and high impact volumes. She has been a visiting lecturer at the University of Chester (UK) and is a member of the FLAME (Films, Languages and Media Education) Research Centre at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK). She collaborates with the Education Policy Division of the Council of Europe and holds editorial and advisory positions in scientific journals and on international committees.



How to Cite

Vaquero Ibarra, N., & Fonseca-Mora, M. C. (2022). Ensuring language training for adult migrants in the Community of Madrid. Nebrija Journal of Applied Linguistics to Language Teaching, 16(33), 19–38. https://doi.org/10.26378/rnlael1633500



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