Linguistic Acculturation Preferences of Preservice Teachers: The Catalan Case




Linguistic Acculturation Preferences, Preservice Teachers, Educational and Linguistic inclusion, Descendants of Migrants, Catalonia


One of the main objectives of the Catalan education system is to integrate multilingualism and interculturality, while maintaining the Catalan language as central and recognizing the languages and cultures of students from immigrant backgrounds. A key aspect in achieving this is that future teachers develop acculturation preferences towards multilingual students of migrant descent.

This article analyzes the linguistic acculturation preferences of future teachers at the Faculty of Education, Psychology, and Social Work of the University of Lleida towards secondary school students (ESO) of Moroccan and Latin American descent.

Methodologically, a questionnaire was administered to a sample of 507 participants. The results indicate that linguistic acculturation preferences are predominantly multilingual, although the respondents' migration status significantly influences these preferences.

The implications of these findings for teacher training and educational practice in a multilingual context are discussed.

Author Biographies

Cecilio Lapresta Rey, University of Lleida

Degree in Sociology from the University of Barcelona (1998) and PhD from the University of Lleida (2004). Professor of Sociology at the University of Lleida. His lines of research focus on the analysis of identity constructions and the role that languages play in them, the study of linguistic attitudes and acculturation patterns of the descendants of migrants, with special emphasis on how all this affects their school, linguistic and social integration.
She has directed and participated in numerous research projects at regional, national and European level, publishing the results in leading national and international journals.
She received the second National Prize for Educational Research in 2007 for her work ‘Linguistic attitudes, school and immigration. Schoolchildren and linguistic and cultural diversity’.

Josep Ubalde , University of Lleida

PhD from the Rovira i Virigili University (2019) and degree in Sociology from the University of Barcelona (2011). Lecturer (Assistant Doctor) in Sociology at the University of Lleida.
His lines of research revolve around interethnic relations and language skills in the labour market. His work has been published in journals such as the International Journal of Intercultural Relations, European Societies and the International Journal of the Sociology of Language.

Ángel Huguet, University of Lleida

PhD from the Universities of Lleida (1994) and Oviedo (2001). Degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona (1987) and Degree in Pedagogy from the UNED (1992). Higher University Specialist in Hearing and Language Impairment (1992).
From 1987 to 1995 he was an educational psychologist for the Ministry of Education - Psychopedagogical Team in Fraga (Huesca), and from 1992 to 1999 he was an associate lecturer in the area of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Lleida. Since 1999 he has been a full-time lecturer in the same area of knowledge, first as a tenured lecturer (1999-2008) and subsequently as a university professor (2008-present).
He has directed numerous research projects at regional, national and European level, and the results obtained have been reflected in publications of the highest national and international prestige. Among others, he has twice received the National Research Award from the Ministry of Education (2003 and 2007).

Judit Janés, University of Lleida

PhD from the University of Lleida (2006). Diploma in Educational Sciences (1997) and Degree in Psychopedagogy (1999). Associate Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Area of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the University of Lleida.
She has participated in numerous regional, national and European research projects, obtaining a large number of prestigious publications at national and international level, as well as participation in scientific and international congresses/seminars.



How to Cite

Lapresta Rey, C. ., Ubalde , J. ., Huguet, Ángel, & Janés, J. (2024). Linguistic Acculturation Preferences of Preservice Teachers: The Catalan Case. Nebrija Journal of Applied Linguistics to Language Teaching, 18(37), 12–30.



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