Vol. 18 No. 37 (2024)This issue contains the thematic section entitled ‘Linguistic acculturation and education’ edited by Cecilio Lapresta-Rey (Universitat de Lleida) and Josep Ubalde (Universitat de Lleida), guest editors of this publication.
Spring 24
Vol. 18 No. 36 (2024)This issue contains the Thematic Section entitled "The Critical Perspective in Additional Language Teaching", edited by Encarna Atienza (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain) and Marta García García (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany).
Vol. 17 No. 35 (2023)This issue contains a thematic section on Technologies and Diversity in Language Teaching Research, published with the collaboration of guest editors Dr. Carmen López Ferrero (Pompeu Frabra University) and Dr. Eduardo Negueruela Azarola (Princeton University).
Spring 23
Vol. 17 No. 34 (2023)This issue contains a thematic section on Intonation and prosody of foreign languages, which is published with the collaboration of guest editors Dr Empar Devís Herraiz and Dr José Torregrosa Azor, both from the University of Barcelona, Spain.
Issue 33
Vol. 16 No. 33 (2022)This issue contains a thematic section on Adult migrant learners of a foreign language which is published with the collaboration of guest editors Dr. Analí Fernández-Corbacho and Dr. María del Carmen Fonseca-Mora, both from the University of Huelva, Spain.
Issue 32
Vol. 16 No. 32 (2022)This issue contains a thematic section on Phraseology and Paremiology: diatopy, variation, phraseodidactics and paremiodidactics, published with the collaboration of guest editors Virginia Sciutto (University of Salento, Italy) and M.ª Dolores Asensio Ferreiro (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain).
Issue 31
Vol. 15 No. 31 (2021)The thematic section of this Issue 31 is dedicated to the Relations between lexis and syntax: the lexis-syntax interface: theoretical reflection and application in Spanish second language and has had as guest editors María Luisa Regueiro Rodríguez and Federico Silvagni from the Complutense University of Madrid.
Issue 30
Vol. 15 No. 30 (2021)The thematic section of this Issue 30 is dedicated to the Acquisition, teaching and learning of Spanish as a Heritage language in Europe in the 21st century and has had as guest editors Kris Buyse, Eva González Melón and Marta Gallego García from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium.
issue 29
Vol. 14 No. 29 (2020)The thematic section of issue 29 focuses on Advances in the Study of the Corpus of Learners in a Computerized Format, edited by Dr. Anita Ferreira Cabrera and Dr. Jessica Elejalde Gómez of the Universidad de Concepción (Chile).
Issue 28
Vol. 14 No. 28 (2020)The issue contains the thematic section "Curricular innovations for L2 teaching in the 21st century", edited by Dr. Manel Lacorte and Dr. Elisa Gironzetti from the University of Maryland
Issue 27
Vol. 13 No. 27 (2019)The thematic section of this issue on the Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach (CLIL) was presented by Dr. Xabier San Isidro.
Issue 26
Vol. 13 No. 26 (2019)The thematic section of this Issue 26 is dedicated to the argument of "Literacy and language learning" and has been edited by Dr. Roberto Santiago de Roock from Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore.
Issue 25
Vol. 12 No. 25 (2018)This issue contains the thematic section Emotion and Language by the guest editors, Dr Kris Buyse from the University of Louvain and Nebrija University and Dr Jean-Marc Dewaele from the University of London.
Vol. 12 No. 24 (2018)
This issue contains the section on Reading and Writing in Academic Fields by the guest editor, Dr. Nancy Agray Vargas, of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Colombia.
Vol. 11 No. 23 (2017)This issue of Nebrija Journal of Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of Languages contains a thematic section dedicated to the "Multidisciplinary research on the sociolinguistic integration of the migrant population" edited by Dr. Florentino Paredes García of the University of Alcalá and a miscellaneous section edited by the Editorial Board.
Number 13. Special declassified number
No. 13 (2013)The articles are published in Nebrija Procedia